Posted by Burgers For Brunch | Posted in , ,

The word BBQ comes from the Spaniard word "Barbacoa". The technique used by the Spanish colonist that settled in the Carolina's in the late 16th century brought this curious way of preparing food to the new found land. It was a tradition in "New Spain" to dig a whole in the ground (covered with leaves) in order to cook in entire goat. It's meat was then slow cooked (as well producing a succulent broth). This technique was then evolved into the modern BBQ.

The reality of this American original is that it is a complex mix of with different flavors, different cooking methods, different sauces, different rubs and different cultural origins reason why there is a need to have a year long Ribfest tour. One of the most ground breaking moments of the year in Florida is when the air in town gets charged with hickory smoke and country music. Our crew visited this 3 day outdoor grilling extravaganza tour stop in Homestead, Florida being able to have a first hand view to the competition. With more than 10 ribbers from all over the country and abroad we had the chance to taste, judge and share a piece of every different territory of the BBQ Nation in matter of hours. We were witness to a great BBQ fest and were able share some time tasting a little piece of the different corners of the country as well as spent some time with the winner crew.

Click here to find about more information about the annual Homestead Ribfest.

We are waiting for this year's stop and will continue to share with you all the details about the different BBQ Ribsfests. We'll be visiting some of the country's famous stops and will be reporting live.

See you next time!

Comments (4)

  1. I really like your blog. Especially the three columns. Can you tell how you did it?

  2. It is very informative and great that someone is tracing back the origin of the food. That's really make life interesting and meaningful. Keep it up your good work and best wishes from http://liftyouup.blogspot.com

  3. thanks for the positive comment james! we just got started but we're passionate about food and want to share our insights with food enthusiasts all over.

    keep checking back for daily posts and thanks again...we really appreciate the feedback!

  4. hi darrel...glad you liked our blog!

    I actually modified a preexisting template from btemplates.com...here is the link to the template


    keep checking back on burgersforbrunch for daily posts and we really do appreciate your wonderful feedback!

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